FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How is the ImPreSSion project funded?
The ImPreSSion project is funded as an action grant by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency under the ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants scheme. The project, titled “Improving Study Programs in Ghana by Introducing Green Solutions, Sustainability Modules, and Digital Transformation” (ImPreSSion), is managed through the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (eGrants). The grant is a lump sum designated for the completion of work packages, aimed at enhancing the quality of higher education in Ghana and its relevance to the labor market and society.
How will the ImPreSSion project impact education in participating Ghanaian Universities?
How can individuals or organizations get involved with the ImPreSSion project?
Individuals and organizations can get involved through participation in project activities, including dissemination events and workshops. We are happy to engage stakeholders from related sectors, such as non-partner universities, NGOs, and ministries. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us at impression-project@lfi.rwth-aachen.de.
How does the ImPreSSion project address gender and diversity issues?
What measures are in place to ensure the quality and impact of the ImPreSSion project?
The ImPreSSion project employs a comprehensive quality assurance and monitoring strategy, including a structured management system tested in previous EU projects and a dashboard of indicators to monitor and verify the outreach and impact of activities.